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December 09, 2004
World on Fire
I may be the slow one here, but I just saw the World on Fire video by Sarah McLachlan and I was really moved. This article explains how they spent $15 on the video itself and donated the money a video would normally have cost to eleven different charities around the world. As you watch the video, it tells you how much each thing would have cost and what they spent it on instead. It's awesome.
Posted by Deana at December 9, 2004 07:46 AMComments
Silly Radcliff, forgets to link to the Heifer site where one can give a gift of a llama (llama farmer llama llama llama duck).
Posted by: Chris at December 10, 2004 12:10 PM
No slower than I am. I wouldn't have heard about the video otherwise. Makes one pause to think.
If nothing else, I'd recommend supporting Heifer International; their approach is more sustainable than the usual "food drop" form of poverty relief.
Posted by: Chris at December 10, 2004 12:08 PM