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March 31, 2003

Bend it like Beckham

We saw a really neat film on Friday, Bend It Like Beckham, which is as much feel-good fun as a movie can get without being formulaic.

Ignore the title if you're not versed in English football. The film is like "Greek Wedding" in tone (living life among a smothering-if-vibrant family) and "Billy Elliot" in theme (following a 'crazy' dream because of exceptional talent), with a great soundtrack and lots of girl-power goodness.

Posted by Chris at March 31, 2003 03:57 PM


I've been waiting for the details you promised earlier, but my curiosity has gotten the best of me. Spill it...Pilot/Commander, Mission Specialist, or Payload Specialist?

Sounds like a cool way to spend New Years (better than sleeping through the ball drop on TV).

Posted by: Jaime at March 31, 2003 06:17 PM

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